
The first Summative Workshop ”Sharing Inspiring Science Experiences” in Aninoasa, Romania

The first Summative Workshop ”Sharing Inspiring Science Experiences” was held on the 11th of May at  “Sfanta Varvara” Secondary School from Aninoasa, in the Jiu Valley, Hunedoara County of Romania. 30 Science teachers with the 4 invited students which presented some interesting experimental activities, shared the experiences they gained during the ISE Project.

This experimental activities can be seen on: http://portal.opendiscoveryspace.eu/activities/840774.

“Sfanta Varvara” Secondary School from Aninoasa is one of the most active school in what concernes Science Education in Romania. Didina Botgros, Ramona Inta, Tiberiu Lukacs and Nora Gheban are some of the most enthusiastic teachers from Romania.